
Who am I

I’m Rowan Thomas Lumb, a software developer, traveler, optimist, and curious human. I have been coding since my days as an undergrad Physics student and am currently based in Thailand working on SaaS projects for my clients as well as for myself.

Explore My Work

My portfolio shows the digital footprints that I try to maintain. There are some personal and some client projects in there that you can check out.

See Client Reviews

I don’t primarily work and bill clients on Upwork anymore, but I still have some verified client reviews that you can view from work I have performed on that site. Notice that I only have 5 star reviews! Wow! 🙂

Let’s Connect

I’d love to hear from you! Whether you have a question, want to collaborate, or need help with a project, feel free to get in touch. Send me a DM on X or email me @ rowan@rtlcoding.com

My Socials

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